Big Mac resting by Kitty as she nurses the MckDoubles in the RV. Shiner Bock on the counter, because MckDaddy likes to taste local beer. ...more...
Today's Photo - A Mormon One Room Schoolhouse, Capitol Reef National Park, UT Well, today is different. It's 4:00, and has been the first really bad day of the trip. It rained off and on lightly last night, and was around 56°F this morning when I got up around 8:00. It has been downhill since. The w. ...more...
RV Propane Tank Covers
Regular Price: $239.99 Special Price: $96.99 ...more...
Drive by shootings
Most of the scenery I see you will never experience, because as the RV moves down the road, the moment to take a photo passes before I can raise the camera. Once you have driven an RV for a while, you know you can't turn it on a dime or slam on the brakes. Once the moment is over, it's pretty much o. ...more...
A Day of Rest
Santa Fe forest fire We drove all of 64 km today and checked into Trailer Ranch RV Resort in Santa Fe at 1 p.m. This is our second stay here; we still have Museum Hill to see tomorrow. We could see the smoke from the newest forest fire as we drove north on I 35. Thank goodness the "exceptional" (up. ...more...
The 2011 Memorial 100
Behind the Scenes: Last year a small group of Marines I had served with in Iraq, spearheaded by Nathan Huffman, came together to create an event to honor our fallen brothers that would appropriately take place over Memorial Day Weekend. The goal of the event we created (Memorial 100) is to reclaim t. ...more...
Polster-Wende-Auflage fr Hochlehner, NEU, waschbar, seitl. RV
Polster-Wende-Auflage fr Hochlehner, NEU, waschbar, seitl. RV: Wunderschöne hochwertige und feste Polster-Auflage fr Hochlehner, 2-seitig nutzbar, langer seitlicher Reißverschluß, hoher Sitzkomfort auf 7 cm, formbeständige und strapazierfähige Polsterung, sehr gute Qualität, lichtecht, NEU, Farbe we. ...more...
Building a Boat at the WoodenBoat School in Brooklin, Maine
A field of wild daisies and lupines Wild irises at Stonington Harbor Traveling this little planet of ours, one would be hard pressed to find an area as marvelous as the Coast of Maine. A coast with tides taller than two men, water colder than scotch on the rocks, and scenery that painters will be tr. ...more...
México viejo - E X C E L E N T E...!!!
México-Hace 150 años.pps Download this file SALUDOS Asunto: FW: Rv: México viejo - E X C E L E N T E...!!! Fecha: DOMINGO, 19 de junio de 2011, 13:15 Si deseas reenvar este correo, por favor coloca en CCO a tus contactos y sus direcciones electronicas, asi proteges a tus contactos, los mios y a ti m. ...more...
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